
Showing posts from November, 2005

Why Are They Only Concerned With Evolution Science?

One of the things that I have not seen mentioned in the creation vs. evolution debacle is that these folks that want to poke holes in evolution don't seem concerned with all the other science in the world. Gary Trudeau got close in one of his strips (4/20/2003, but I can't get to it online), but I have not seen the point clearly made that the SCIENCE of evolution has gone through the same peer review, journal publication and replication process as the rest of the scientific discoveries upon which modern life is based. So if you reject evolution, you have to essentially reject all of science . I think people who reject evolution should be prohibited from using anything that was developed using the modern scientific method. Put down your cell phones people! Get off the internet! Modern medical treatments and drugs? I don't think so! Now the geniuses in Kansas actually want to redefine what science is! Incredible! Classic case of not learning from past mistakes and being doome...

Al Gore Was Prescient

I could introduce myself I suppose, but that can come later. Instead, as my first post to this blog, I thought I would observe that some of the things Al Gore was ridiculed for are actually coming to pass. In his book on the state of the environment, Earth In The Balance , he suggested that the internal combustion engine be abolished. Now we have the growth of hybrids and the pursuit of hydrogen fuel cell propulsion. As predicted by many folks, $3 gas is the impetus, but so be it. He also predicted that we would have a global model of the Earth available to everyone all the time over the internet. Again, he was ridiculed for this. Now we have Google Earth , among others. It is not real-time data, but that will come in time, no doubt.