
Showing posts from 2022

A Simple Twist of Fate

Although I am not much of a Dylan fan - I could never get past his mediocre voice - my partner Alisa is, and this is one of her favorite songs. And it applies brutally to what has happened to her, which is that she was formally diagnosed with #ALS in January 2022, after a series of doctor visits. So this blog is going to turn into a a bit of an #ALS journal for a while, although not necessarily exclusively. We have a CaringBridge site set up so I'll not duplicate much of that. One thing that didn't make it on the CB site was my initial email to family and friends, which I do want to reproduce here as a record of how things went early on. I'm going to go back a little bit for those who haven't been part of the process early on. We noticed some speech and swallowing difficulties in the late spring early summer last year. We didn't think too much about it (but should have of course), thinking it was due to some sores in her mouth (as opposed to the cause of those sore...

Get The Money Out of Politics

[written in 2013] The more I hear about the crap going on in our country as a result of politics, the more it seems obvious that the solution is to get the private money out of politics all together.  But of course, with the Citizens United decision, the Supreme(ly stupid) Court has pushed the country in the other direction, with unlimited, secret contributions now allowed.  I mean, if you think of a problem in this country, it is almost always traceable to the money. Climate change? Traceable to politicians who won't budge because of the oil money. Minimum wage stagnation? Corporate money and lobbying. Two wars that bankrupted the country? Halliburton and other oil services companies that benefit from accessing more oil, not to mention defense contractors!  In fact, oil is the main reason we are involved in the Middle East at all.  Think about it - if we didn't care about the oil, we wouldn't really care about what went on there, and the Middle East could burn itsel...