Get The Money Out of Politics

[written in 2013] The more I hear about the crap going on in our country as a result of politics, the more it seems obvious that the solution is to get the private money out of politics all together.  But of course, with the Citizens United decision, the Supreme(ly stupid) Court has pushed the country in the other direction, with unlimited, secret contributions now allowed.  I mean, if you think of a problem in this country, it is almost always traceable to the money. Climate change? Traceable to politicians who won't budge because of the oil money. Minimum wage stagnation? Corporate money and lobbying. Two wars that bankrupted the country? Halliburton and other oil services companies that benefit from accessing more oil, not to mention defense contractors!  In fact, oil is the main reason we are involved in the Middle East at all.  Think about it - if we didn't care about the oil, we wouldn't really care about what went on there, and the Middle East could burn itself down for all we care.  Oh but Israel.... well, that particular problem is also due to the money of the Israeli lobby, which is funded by the amount of wealth that Jews have in this country (ooh, I told the truth about Israel/Jews - I must be anti-semitic! No I am not).  I mean, why is Israel important, other than a strategic ally foothold in an oil rich region?  But I digress a bit.

Tax code a mess? It is because of all the special interest groups on both sides of the aisle that have given enough money to the politicians to buy influence into law making.  And the list goes on and on.  Think about it: individuals and corporations give money to politicians to gain access to them and influence them to do what they want them to do.  And if they don't do what they want them to do, then the stop giving them money. It is essentially a system of legalized bribery.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, MONEY IS NOT SPEECH, and cannot be protected under the First Amendment. If that were true, then why do rich people get more speech than poor people?!  That is not democracy.


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