Thank You

Is it just me, or are fewer and fewer businesses (or employees) thanking their customers? I am not talking about official correspondence, or voicemail systems which almost always seems to say "we appreciate your business," but person to person interactions. After I make a transaction with a person, I reflexively say thank you, but rarely does the businessperson to whom I just gave my hard-earned cash say thank you in return. I have noticed this at the drugstore, grocery store, and drycleaners.

It could be the area where I live (the Northeast) - I lived in the South for a while, and don't remember having this perception. Or it could be lack of training of employees. They are usually pleasant, perhaps saying "have a nice day." But it seems like these people should be expressing their appreciation for my business. I shouldn't be the one saying thank you to the grocery store check out girl - she should be thanking me!

My cantakerous rant for the day.


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