People Are Catching On?

New Orleans' Rebuilt Levees "Riddled With Flaws" - National Geographic

Not to beat a proverbial dead horse, but is this really news? Is anyone truly surprised by this? Nothing against NGS of course - they are investigating and reporting, but I am just stunned at the level of denial in New Orleans, and indeed around the country about what has to happen on our coastlines. I understand that a traumatic event happened to their hometown, and people want to make it like it used to be, but that is denial of the highest order,and satisfies the pop culture definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Face it: New Orleans either needs to be moved or restricted to higher ground (I understand this is why the French Quarter suffered relatively little


I didn't mention it in my last post, but do they think rebuilding New Orleans below sea level is going to become a better idea with global warming leading to sea level rise? Not to mention the continuous building going on all along our coasts. Why on earth would we continue to subsidize this nonsense? Sigh....


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