Us Versus Them

Idea Lab - How Are Humans Unique? - Intelligence - Evolution - Idea Lab -

This article basically says that one of the main reasons humans are unique is the cooperative group structure. This obviously has offered tremendous value to the evolution of our species, but, as the article says:

"Of course, humans beings are not cooperating angels; they also put their heads together to do all kinds of heinous deeds. But such deeds are not usually done to those inside “the group.” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.” The remarkable human capacity for cooperation thus seems to have evolved mainly for interactions within the group. Such group-mindedness is a major cause of
strife and suffering in the world today. The solution — more easily said than done — is to find new ways to define the group."

Among other things, this perfectly illustrates the genius of Gene Rodenberry, who knew that when humans encountered species from other planets, the differences between us would seem small by comparison, and would bring us together in a way that nothing else could. Granted, as he also illustrated, this creates its own opportunity for conflict with other species. But the point still stands, and what a wonderful world it would be if we could reach this point without having to encounter alien species.

This also provides an opportunity for me to talk about something I have wanted to get down for a while, which is the personality type that is always looking to define "us" and "them." I was stunned listening to Rush Limbaugh (which I often do for kicks during long drives), when he said, "In any situation, you have to look for and find out who your enemies are." Aside from not being able to imagine going through life with this sort of attitude, I think it explains the bellicosity of much of the right wing. If they are always looking for enemies, it must be like the person with only a metaphorical hammer, for whom everything looks like a metaphorical nail to be pounded. If you are always looking for enemies, you may prematurely decide someone is an enemy, treat them as such, and thereby make yourself an enemy that you might not have otherwise. This can also be extended to the recent controversy about talking to our supposed enemies like Iran. They of course say they are our enemies, but if we were to actually talk to them, we might find out the reasons for this attitude and be able to correct some misperceptions, and perhaps even find common ground.


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