What Is Brad Pitt Thinking?

I know Brad has quite the social conscience, what with the trips to Africa and Asia to help those less fortunate, etc. So clearly, his move to help the unlucky folks in New Orleans to get back into housing and on their feet comes from a desire to do the right thing. But (and you knew there had to be one, didn't you?) why is he focusing on rebuilding the Lower 9th Ward? My understanding is that is one of the lowest areas of the city. How is helping rebuild there helping people in the long run? If you really want to help them Brad, get them out of the hole in the ground below sea level!!

While I understand the desire to help people rebuild their home, isn't it the definition of insanity to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result? With hurricane intensity and frequency increasing, and sea level rising, can anyone make a convincing case that this is a good idea? I mean is it just me, or is this an incredible amount of human hubris that we can somehow hold back nature even though we have been taught time and time again that we can't? It is pretty simple: build on higher ground, fools!


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