When Even E.O. Wilson Doesn't Make That Strong of a Case for Biodiversity Conservation

Bill Moyers Interview with E.O. Wilson

This is Bill Moyers' interview with E.O. Wilson, and I find it a bit depressing. Ed Wilson is one of my heroes, but he doesn't do a very good job of presenting a compelling case for why biodiversity preservation is important. He says not preserving biodiversity will result in disaster, which of course I agree with, but he doesn't compellingly describe how and why it is going to happen. If one of the preeminent scientists and writers of our generation cannot convey this in a concise, compelling manner, then who can? Even being in the field of conservation, and believing it to be a very important cause, I cannot easily describe why biodiversity preservation is important.  Global warming, of course, is another matter entirely, with the potential to create ecological collapse. But the preservation of individual species is a more difficult case to make, even when I work for the agency responsible for enforcing the Endangered Species Act.


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