Does This Mean Space Travel Will Be Harder?

Dark Energy Could Be Einstein's Cosmological Constant | Wired Science from

Aside from being an interesting article, and aside from confirming the impressiveness of Einstein's theory, this made me wonder whether the rate of expansion will make it even harder to reach/communicate with other worlds in the future.  I didn't see anything that indicate the rate of expansion, but presumably it will mean that the features and bodies of the universe will be farther away and therefore more difficult to reach and/or communicate with.  That would be unfortunate, but if the expansion is very slow, it may not matter anytime in the next million or even billion years.  And if we figure out how to travel via wormholes or space-time warping, then perhaps it won't make that big of a difference either, provided the wormholes remain stable long term despite the expansion.  My deep thought for the day.


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