The Party of Me

I have been wanting to write about this for a while, but the concept didn't seem fully formed. But sometimes writing about it can help to more fully form a concept. I am no longer going to assume that I am going to come back to a post, because that has never happened. What I want to write about is the Republican party, which I think is basically the Party of Me. As in, I've got mine, so don't bother Me. I've got my money, so don't bother Me. I've got my health care, so don't bother Me. It really does boil down to the question: "Do you have ANY empathy for your fellow man?" Not your friends of course, but people that you don't know. Do you give a crap about the other people in the world, or not? Are you willing to pay a little extra in taxes so that the government can help take care of people who can't take care of themselves? It amazes me how much mileage Reagan got out of his "welfare queens driving Cadillacs" meme. I don't deny that they probably exist, but they are likely an incredibly small fraction. The vast majority of people on welfare probably really need it. But no, because some people abuse the system, then the whole concept must be wrong. But it is OK of course for all the rich and famous to game the system with all their lobbyists and offshore accounts and not paying taxes. That is another thing that bothers me - if people think they can tell one anecdote that sheds negative light on something, then that summarizes and indicts the entire system. "Hey, we found 3 welfare queens in NYC, so therefore Welfare Must Be Bad." Of course it is really just using anecdotes to indict a system they already don't believe in. It is related to the whole "government screws up everything" concept, which is related to the odious concept of generalizations. I am sure it is expressed well in other places, but one of the quotes from his mother that Jim Cramer used in one of his articles I think expresses it very well: My mother always said, "Comparisons are odious.” She didn't want us to make judgments about people or entities because they often lead to false conclusions, bigotry, unhappy and hurt feelings and sweeping generalizations when the real story is more gray than black and white." - James Cramer,, 6/29/2004 What prompted me to finally do some writing on this is I heard some guy call in to the Thom Hartman program and say he didn't want gov't involved with health care because they screwed up "Cash for Clunkers." Thom rightly pointed out that a) that is a very successful program, and b) so is the VA health care program. Would the guy want to change that? It is just this one-dimensional thinking that has created this divide in the country. I just think the Republican party has devolved from being able to muster up a little bit of empathy in the Nixon era of environmental regulations and a proposed health care bill to the left of Obama's to this extremist party that is pretty much only concerned with themselves and their friends. Why poor white rural voters continue to vote for them is beyond me.


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