Why Does The Right Still Have a Leg to Stand On?

Very interesting article on a different way to view the economy.  And it finally gets to the concept I've been wondering about during most of the Obama presidency: why are the Republicans still able to continue to trumpet the mantra of lower taxes on the rich, when they succeeded in lowering those taxes (and radically reducing regulation) under the Bush administration, and we got The Great Recession for it?  They just don't have a leg to stand on, but apparently they have been pounding this mantra for so many years in so many ways and through so many media outlets, that they have brainwashed people into thinking that it is true, contrary to any other evidence that might come along.  I know there have been other articles about why this is so, why people continue to believe untruths in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary, but it doesn't mean it isn't frustrating to watch how successful the right's campaign has been to brainwash the masses.  I mean, why are there middle class people who still vote against their own interests?  They are struggling to pay for health care, but dammit, they don't want the damn gubmint to help them out!  Very hard to believe...


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